Chitwan Tiger Camp
Sauraha, Chitwan National Park
Explore The Hotel Gallery
The Very Best Located, Friendly and Eco-Friendly Safari Resort in Chitwan. Perfectly Safe (Next to Army Camp) Highly recommended by Lonely Planet, Rough Guide Book, and other international guide books, etc.
About Us
We present you with our hospitality and services since the period of the H.M Government. Rich with history and beauty from every standard we are situated in the heart of Chitwan National Park.Where you will be woken by the variety of bird chirps and dares you for a jungle safari. Adventure awaits you.

You can use a few enticing words and flaunt the capabilities that will attract future clients and encourage them to hire you right away.

Sauraha never fails to attract the tourist by offering them several exciting and adventurous programs while their stay in the city.
Customer Reviews
“the best location in Sauraha, overlooking the river, right at the park entrance. The garden seating area is great for watching elephant bathing and other river activity. Good restaurant, there are marvelous Machan like huts”

“We stayed there for one night. The hospitality is really good. They really look after you especially the guy with the glasses at the reception he is very helpful friendly. Positive experience from ‘me. ”

“has an excellent position (actually) overlooking the river … Bamboo Machan (rooms on stilts) with the best view in Sauraha … luxury rooms with coolers … Some of the rooms have views over the river”