Chitwan Tiger Camp

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Our Location

We are waiting for you here in the bank of River Rapti with some beer and a beautiful sunset. After just 20 minutes of scheduled flight from Kathmandu to Bharatpur Airport or 4-5 hours drive from Kathmandu, Pokhara or Sunali (Indian border) or after an exiting white-water rafting, you will find yourself in the most enhancing sub-tropical jungles of Royal Chitwan National Park.
If you are bringing your own car you can drive up to Tiger Camp 6 km south of Tandi Bazaar.

If you are traveling by Tourist Bus you will have to get down in Chitrasari (3 km north of Tiger Camp) from here you will be picked-up by jeep and welcomed in Tiger Camp.

Get In Touch

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Sauraha-6, Chitwan, Nepal

Call Us

9851103384, 9806838595 ,